He said , "you've heard that our life is a stage, well my feelings add to that, our lives ARE the story, given for our growth, self awareness and perspective."
Isn't it interesting that true life stories spawn memories and other true life stories in each of us! (Me: Tom Ostberg)
A Brief History
Why are we drawn to stories, what do they tell us about ourselves? This year I am plagued by this question, my core thrills to tell a story, and these stories of mine I have learned the lessens that have shaped and saved by life. Am I motivated to tell my real stories to share the joy of “being out there” or is it “<em>the fun of adventure” or so that others can “<strong>feel life filled with the trill of existence”. I often search for the “Moral” but maybe the moral of my stories are lessons just learned by me, .. Anyway, There are many more, have fun!!
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